Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Is it just me or am I having a hard time finding myself? Everywhere I go I am and so's mom, his wife, when can I be ME anymore. I feel like I do everything for everybody and put myself on the back burner even though I know I need to do something for myself. Because of my kids ages its hard not to have something to do with one or more at all times. My oldest is now a teenager and boy is that a HUGE change. We always thought he was such a good child (pretty hyper but good) until he hit 13 its like overnight the child decided he didn't have to mind his parents anymore...somebody please tell me this will get better and please tell me soon I don't know how I can handle years like this! My 2nd child is 7 and so very stubborn, when he don't want to do something he just don't do it and there is nothing you can do or say to make him either. It always takes about half a school year to get him to start making good grades, not because he don't know the work only because he just don't want to do any of it. My 3rd child is 2, I don't really think anything else needs to be said but I will describe her anyway. She is a girly girl, likes to dress up and pretend she is putting on make-up just very cute and HYPER all the time. She used to never come to meet us at night but the past month she has come in here every night I need to break her of this....any suggestions? My baby is 4 months old and she is such a little Drama Queen already but I don't think she will be as girly as my other daughter, don't ask me why I think this way I guess its just a feeling I have. Last but not least, my husband to which I have been married to for 16+ years is wonderful at times and at other times I wonder what is it that brought us together. We have very little in common but I think the biggest problem is that I am a talker and he is total opposite. He is just happy to sit in front of the TV all night long and never say a word to me, and he wonders why I stay in the room on the computer all the time. I know I can stay in the living room with him but why would I want to sit in there and watch WWE or Football.! I don't know why I haven't started this blogging thing earlier at least this way I feel like I am talking even though its through a computer and nobody is there to hear me. Now that I have talked about everybody except ME I guess its my turn. I am a very hard headed stubborn person, when I want something I usually get it. If only I could apply this to getting my husband to take me out or just sit at home and talk to me. I constantly have housework to do it never stays clean long at all sometimes I can just sit down and cry at all that needs to be done and never enough time to do it. I do not work outside the home and I hate the term HOUSEWIFE because I am hardly ever at home. I am trying to start up a photography business now maybe in that somehow I can find ME again!!

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